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Your Ministry Giving

Tax Deductible

WOW Radio is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit ministry known as Agape Educational Media, Inc. Donations of any amount are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated. You will receive either a monthly, quarterly or yearly statement that will show your giving history.  Our financial statements are prepared using generally accepted accounting principles.

Pledge Renewal

Simply let us know how much you want to give and how often. Most of those who give to this ministry ask us to set their donations to continue each month. Periodically we will ask if you want to continue at your same level of giving and we invite you to consider increasing your amount. At those times or at any time, you are free to let us know what you want to do: continue at your same amount, change your amount, or discontinue. A dependable source of giving helps us to plan and budget.


We ask you to first pray about supporting the Wow Radio ministry and then be faithful to what the Lord tells you. With that said, we don't want your tithe money. This goes to your church.  WOW Radio's fundraising appeals clearly identify the purpose to which donations will be applied, and we ensure that donations are used for those purposes. Our policy is to meet the needs God lays before us so that Christ is honored in our efforts and His love and message are advanced.


We use a professional company to help us turn your donation into funds to help keep WOW Radio on the air and streaming world-wide.

We accept most cars, trucks, trailers, boats, RV's, motorcycles, off road vehicles, heavy equipment and most other motorized vehicles. If you have any questions about what you can donate, please call us toll-free at 855-969-4227 or 855-WOW-4-CAR, seven days a week. In some cases we can take your car, running or not. However, it must have an engine and be towable.

Individual tax situations vary so please check with a tax professional to determine how you may benefit.

The amount that is tax deductible is the sale price of the vehicle. For more information on tax write-offs, we suggest you review IRS Publication 526 which sets forth how the IRS requires you to determine the value of your donated property.

Donors will no longer be responsible for determining the deductible value of their donation. Instead, they will receive IRS Form 1098-C, Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes if the proceeds from the sale exceed $500, stating the amount of the gross proceeds from the sale of the donated vehicle. The amount listed on IRS Form 1098-C will be the gross proceeds of the deductible donation.

You will need the title of the vehicle, but if you do not have it, please call us anyway. Other arrangements may be made.

We are able to accept most vehicles running or not. Exceptions include older vehicles whose value would not offset the cost of towing. Most vehicles need to be intact and in towable condition. To find out if we can accept your vehicle, please complete our secure online donation form or call us toll-free at 877-775-6636 or 877-77-KOMEN seven days a week.

We are able to pick up most vehicles in the continental United States. We will arrange to have your vehicle towed away at a scheduled time convenient for you. The vehicle will be picked up by a licensed tow company at no cost to you and will be taken to our sale location.


We will contact you to schedule an appointment within two to three business days at the most. If you need your car picked up sooner, please call us toll-free at 855-969-4227 or 855-WOW-4-CAR seven days a week. We may be able to make those arrangements as well.

Our driver will issue a receipt at the time of pick-up. This is not your final tax receipt unless the sale of your vehicle does not exceed $500. This initial acknowledgment will indicate your name as well as the year, make, model, and condition of the car you are donating. It will be your only receipt if your vehicle sells for less than $500. An IRS Form 1098-C, Contributions of Motor Vehicles, Boats, and Airplanes will be mailed to you within 30 days of the sale stating the amount of gross proceeds received from your car, provided your vehicle sold for more than $500. This will be your tax receipt for your charitable contribution.

The value is determined by the gross proceeds raised from the sale of the donated vehicle. You no longer have the burden of determining the value yourself. According to the tax law effective January 1, 2005, if the claimed value of the donated vehicle exceeds $500, the taxpayer is limited to the gross proceeds of the sale.

Effective January 1, 2005, you will no longer be required to have vehicles appraised. The value you may claim will be the amount of gross proceeds received from your vehicle.

For states that require smog certificates or safety inspections, you may donate your vehicle without these documents.

You will need a clear title. Any lien holder listed on the title must be cleared and or released by the bank. This law varies by state. Please refer to the DMV in your state for clear instructions.

Each state has different criteria on how notification is made. Some states require the license plates to be returned to the DMV and other states may require a Release of Liability to be submitted to the DMV. Please contact your State DMV for directions on how to notify the state that you are no longer the owner of the vehicle. 

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